For many retiring from their current role does not necessarily mean retiring from work. It could present them with an opportunity to consider different ways of working. 

By choosing a portfolio career, many individuals seek to provide themselves with a challenging alternative to the standard approach.  

Although not all portfolio careerists are self-employed, they are all typically more in control of their career potential. It might take some time, perseverance, and creative thinking for these people to move closer to “self-reliance,” but that is often just what these people want. A portfolio career might be the best way for individuals to exercise their creative potential and achieve more of their goals. A successful portfolio can consist of many part-time jobs such as part-time employment, interim or temporary jobs, freelancing, contract positions, self-employment and non-executive positions.

We offer a structured programme, designed around our CDS Transition Model, that supports clients in planning and preparing effectively for this transition. Topics covered typically include:

  • What is meant by the term “Portfolio Career”?
  • Identifying values, drivers and motivators, to determine criteria to be applied in evaluating portfolio options.   
  • Completion of several self-assessment exercises to understand what work and life roles clients need to play for a properly satisfying life?
  • Which of these are they successfully carrying out now, and which are they not?
  • How can they better fulfil those roles in the future?
  • How will they make these key pieces of their jigsaw fit together successfully?
  • Looking at and evaluating work style preferences.
  • Developing an action plan to achieve goals and objectives.

How we have helped people with Leadership & Management Development

Outplacement is a very unsettling time. If you are looking for extra support for those affected by this transition contact us today.

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