We recognise that the retirement landscape has changed, with radical reforms to workplace and state pensions, plus increasing life expectancy.

Employees planning for that change to their lifestyle have much to consider. Our programme helps them to make informed decisions by looking in depth at what is likely to change and how that change will impact on them. 

When it comes to pensions, savings and finance the landscape over the last few years has changed quite dramatically. There are lots of options available, but deciding which is right is not always straightforward. Even before getting to this stage, there are some tricky questions that an individual might want help to answer. Such as can I afford to retire? Should I bring all my pension pots together? How much will my state pension be? 

To help individuals find answers to their questions we work with a panel of Independent Financial Advisors, who provide support to both individuals and groups.     

How we have helped people with Leadership & Management Development

Outplacement is a very unsettling time. If you want extra support for those affected by this type of transition, contact us today.

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